Ex Machina

AI models are taking over the social media world by storm. In this day and age of online living filled with filters, it’s hard to figure out what is real and what is fake. Our team have explored the concept with two unrealistically beautiful models at a place that was quite magical to believe its existence.

With a bit of magic touch by the talented photographer who retouched the photos magnificently, this project has resulted in winning the 2022 Photography & Illustration category by Applied Arts Awards: https://www.appliedartsmag.com/winners/photography/bubbly-w39/?year=2022.

Photographer: Yasin Hasanian

Art Director: Lucy Yun

MUA: Angela Wang

Hair Styling: Sarah Gee

Wardrobe: Heather Jude

Models: Nyagoa & Summer of Alaeria Agency


Androgynous Twins


Blurred Lines